You need great leaders to build a digital mindset within an organization. Yet, the people in leadership positions are rarely the most critical in making this happen. Instead, the Changemaker is the Guide to Digital Illumination. They are the ones who show others what a digital mindset is in practice and inspire them to want to learn more. Yet, their core role in driving actual change often goes unnoticed. Their lack of empowerment results in lackluster change and unrealized digital potential.
Real change happens at the operational level, and it requires individuals who can guide their peers through the process. In this article, we will explore what Changemakers are and why they are indispensable in digital transformation. We will also provide four essential tips to empower them.
What is a Changemaker
The Changemaker plays a key role in helping others understand and navigate the complexities of digital. They not only embrace new technology but are actively enthusiastic about its potential benefits. If they are empowered as leaders, they also shed light on others on how to use digital to drive change. By showing the digital mindset in practice, they facilitate the transition from old to new working methods. They could be anyone, regardless of position. For example, I have experienced Changemakers in all sorts of positions:
- Head of Legal
- Junior BI Developer
- Risk Analyst
- Head of Sales Reporting
- Tax Consultant
These are not roles that are traditionally associated with driving digital. Yet, they were people who had a digital mindset. They saw the benefit that they could get from the digital tools that we were implementing and were willing to help others see it as well.
The Crucial Role of Changemakers
Empowered Changemakers shoulder the responsibility of not only embracing change themselves but also guiding others. Yet, they encounter many obstacles, which can manifest in several ways. Common problems are peer resistance, fear of bothering others, lack of supportive resources, and low confidence in their ability to make a difference. Companies can empower Changemakers by utilizing focused initiatives. Here are four practical ways to accomplish this.
Officially Establish the Role and Its Importance
One of the first steps in empowering Changemakers is to recognize and establish their role. Leadership needs to communicate to all employees that Changemakers are crucial agents of change. This acknowledgment alone can boost their support and sense of purpose. Changemakers should be seen as champions of innovation, not disruptors.
Provide Coaching and Mentoring
To overcome hesitancy and lack of confidence, Changemakers need coaching and mentoring. Guidance from experienced leaders can help them refine their skills. This allows them to understand the nuances and techniques of leading change. Pairing them with mentors who have successfully navigated change can be particularly effective.
Foster an Open Organizational Culture
A culture of flexibility and openness is crucial to making Changemakers feel supported. Employees at all levels must feel free to take initiative and contribute their insights. Company leaders should show that employees can freely express their ideas, ask questions, and challenge the status quo. This not only empowers Changemakers but also enhances overall innovation.
Provide Comprehensive Training
Changemakers should be supported with the knowledge and skills required to be agents of the digital mindset. They should also have a solid understanding of the change management process. Training programs should involve two focus areas: a well-rounded knowledge of the latest digital tools and an understanding of human behavior and change psychology. This know-how can help them inspire and guide their peers effectively.
These strategies help companies break free from traditional ideas about roles and responsibilities. This empowers Changemakers, who are essential in the digital age. Their innovation and adaptability are paramount.
Empowering the Guide to Digital Illumination
A Changemaker is the Guide to Digital Illumination but often remains the unsung hero in the digital transformation journey. Yet, they must be empowered to help others achieve a digital mindset. Their role transcends traditional organizational hierarchies. They are the ones who not only understand the intricacies of new technology but are enthusiastic about the transformative power it holds. These individuals have the mindset to shed light on how digital tools can drive meaningful change. Importantly, company leadership must recognize, support, and empower them, regardless of their title. The Changemakers, with their unique insights and passion for innovation, become the driving force behind change.
Check out some of our other articles on empowering your staff towards digital transformation:
- Soft skills are the hallmark of leaders – Leaders of Digital Change (leaders-of-digital-change.com)
- barriers to the usage of digital – Leaders of Digital Change (leaders-of-digital-change.com)