Find out what a digital transformation mindset looks like!

It takes the right mindset to change anything, especially when multiple people are involved. It is crucial first to know what the target state is. Only then can the right path be drawn to get there. The world is moving so fast that individual initiatives are not enough in digital. Organizations need to have the right mindset to ensure long-term prosperity. I’ve put together some inspiring examples of a digital transformation mindset and how I’ve pushed through a change in life and work. 

Elements of a transformation mindset

An organization with a transformation mindset has processes that enable people to navigate complexity and embrace change. This allows it to thrive in dynamic environments.

Some of the key elements of a transformation mindset are:

  • Openness to change: Being open to change rather than fearing it. 
  • Adaptability: Adjusting to new circumstances, challenges, and requirements with flexibility. 
  • Growth mindset: Viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. 
  • Continuous learning: Adapting to changing conditions by seeking new knowledge, skills, and experiences.
  • Resilience: Seeing failure as a learning opportunity and bouncing back from difficulties.
  • Agile thinking: Being open to iterative approaches and embracing agility.
  • Entrepreneurial mindset: Taking calculated risks, being proactive, and being resourceful.
  • Collaboration and teamwork:  Utilizing collective intelligence by building relationships and networks.
  • Future orientation: Anticipating and preparing for potential disruptions by being proactive.
  • Customer-centricity: Empathizing with customers and understanding their evolving expectations.
Coelho quote be brave, take risks

A transformation mindset means being brave

The road to expertise is paved by having the courage to take risks (and sometimes fail). People must be given the reassurance that taking chances is the only way forward!

They must be willing to step out of their comfort zone, embrace the unknown, and challenge the status quo. Taking risks is scary, but it frees up creativity and growth.

This is especially true for digital transformation initiatives. Even if an idea for an improved process or tool is welcomed with a mix of skepticism and doubt, people must be ready to go for it.

A great way to start is to find a like-minded companion and produce something to show that the vision is more than just words. That’s key to getting more people on board and making change happen.

Quote know when to fight

Know how to manage people who block you

Many things can get in the way when you are trying to push through a change in an organization. One of the most common ones is other people.

  • They could be afraid of having negative consequences because of the new way of working.
  • They might not understand what you are proposing and don’t see the value in trying to.
  • Maybe they think the initiative will fail and don’t want their names attached.

In order to move forward, it’s vital to identify the root cause of someone’s reluctance. This will allow you to remove the barrier. For instance, there will always be people who would do anything to stop digital initiatives because they are afraid of personal consequences.

Sometimes more personalized explanations solved the problem. Occasionally, it’s enough to let them vent their fears and then move on. In other cases, there is no other solution than to remove them from the project. 

The key to success is recognizing the underlying drivers of behavior. As a result, one will know how much energy it is worth putting into the fight to get others on board.

Tools for making transformation mindset a reality

It’s great to know the elements and have seen some examples of a digital transformation mindset. Yet, it’s equally important to understand how to implement it. Here are some tools I’ve used to foster the core elements of organizational transformation:

  • Get people talking: Organize meetings, open chatrooms, and do presentations to discuss opinions and face fears.  
  • Guide through change: Take every opportunity to give concrete examples of the new way of thinking and working. For instance, use management meetings, company newsletters, and intranet.
  • Promote successes along the way: Every time something new is created that shows a new way of working, promote it. Do competitions to get people to present their achievements and award the best ones. 
  • Organize continuous training: Organize regular enablement for the new method of operation. Make sure that the message is repeated regularly and in different forms.
  • Don’t assume; check: It may seem that people understand what is expected of them, but chances are they don’t. Regularly check how people are implementing and using new processes and tools.
  • Review return on investment: Establish mechanisms to monitor the achievement of expected efficiencies.

These are excellent tools to support organizations in acquiring a transformation mindset. The right attitude is the key to keeping up with the competition by staying on top of market developments. 


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